Why we've had to raise prices...

Like many companies, we have been forced to increase prices due to major cost increases.
  • Coffee prices have doubled: The worldwide price for the high-quality Arabica coffee we use has doubled in the last year and is the highest it has been in 10 years.
  • All other costs continue to rise:
    • Prices for all ingredients and supplies continue to grow significantly as a result of supply chain disruptions, inflation, and rising fuel/shipping prices.
    • We have increased employee compensation to ensure our workers' wages keep up with inflation.
We have absorbed these cost increases as much as possible, but we are not able to continue producing a high-quality product without raising prices. Unlike some businesses in the news, we are not taking advantage of these times to achieve record profits. With these changes, we hope to be able to just break even this year.
We believe Grady's is still far and away one of the best values in Cold Brew. Our Concentrates all cost less than $1.50 per serving! And for an even greater value, try our Brew-at-Home products. Same great taste for as low as 90¢ per serving!

Why we've had to raise prices...

Like many companies, we have been forced to increase prices due to major cost increases.
  • Coffee prices have doubled: The worldwide price for the high-quality Arabica coffee we use has doubled in the last year and is the highest it has been in 10 years.
  • All other costs continue to rise:
    • Prices for all ingredients and supplies continue to grow significantly as a result of supply chain disruptions, inflation, and rising fuel/shipping prices.
    • We have increased employee compensation to ensure our workers' wages keep up with inflation.
We have absorbed these costs increases as much as possible, but we are not able to continue producing a high-quality product without raising prices. Unlike some businesses in the news, we are not taking advantage of these times to achieve record profits. With these changes, we hope to be able to just break even this year.
We believe Grady's is still far and away one of the best values in Cold Brew. Our Concentrates all cost less than $1.50 per serving! And for an even greater value, try our Brew-at-Home products. Same great taste for as low as 90¢ per serving!